Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #585.  
{ #1 error_logger() ⇐ - ⇐ @ }
{ #2 preg_replace_callback() ⇐ class_cmsbasic.php #585 ⇐ @ }
{ #3 aoCmsBasic->parse_page() ⇐ index.php #122 ⇐ @ }

Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #621.  
{ #1 error_logger() ⇐ - ⇐ @ }
{ #2 preg_replace_callback() ⇐ class_cmsbasic.php #621 ⇐ @ }
{ #3 aoCmsBasic->parse_page() ⇐ index.php #122 ⇐ @ }

Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #622.  
{ #1 error_logger() ⇐ - ⇐ @ }
{ #2 preg_replace_callback() ⇐ class_cmsbasic.php #622 ⇐ @ }
{ #3 aoCmsBasic->parse_page() ⇐ index.php #122 ⇐ @ }

Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #623.  
{ #1 error_logger() ⇐ - ⇐ @ }
{ #2 preg_replace_callback() ⇐ class_cmsbasic.php #623 ⇐ @ }
{ #3 aoCmsBasic->parse_page() ⇐ index.php #122 ⇐ @ }

Orientation in Complex Systems | At·Matrix Abstract Orientation
 ·  Created: 2015-03-07  ·  Type: Overview  ·  Status: First Draft  · 

Orientation in Complex Systems

Where there is complexity and confusion, as is the case in the foggier corners of a complex system, gaining a foundation with the help of clear orientation is the first order of business. As it happens in a world of catches, the fine art of orientation is a complex system in its own right. This is an overview of angles that can contribute to better systemic orientation.

Contextuality – Adapting to Diversity

In the section on Contextuality, we look at some basic contexts that qualify the nature of the orientation – such as the domain of application, the models of operation in use, and the psychological configuration of the agent being oriented – and strategies of adaptation and accommodation that preserve the integrity of the original message when its expressed form is altered.

Semantic Fields – Not Lost in Translation

The section on Semantic Fields enters the wordy world of variant forms of language. We explore ways of mapping source languages from different domains and the design of language conversion gateways that negotiate and convey messages between different native semantics. The integrity and coherence of semantics negotiation methods is critically dependent on the establishment of an unambiguous root lexicon that is uniformly used.

Orientation Modalities – Covering the Bases

In the section on Orientation Modalities, we chart the three-fold terrain of phases in the life-cycle of an undertaking – the preparation phase where a solid foundation of operations is established, the engagement phase where the (inter)action is in progress, and the conclusion phase where the outcomes are encountered and evaluated – each with their specific concerns and reflected needs of orientation. In addition, there are generic orientation factors that provide helpful bearings throughout a system's life-cycle.

Technology Helps – Augmented Experience

In the section on Technology Helps, the robots come to our aid. At least in the virtual space. Short of developing full-fledged artificial intelligence for systems orientation, there are a number of ways to engage software for providing additional orientation and basic consultation. Transforming input and output interfaces and communication to match the agent's context and concerns should be a given when operating across multi-domain fields.


Orientation  ·  Index