Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #585.  
{ #1 error_logger() ⇐ - ⇐ @ }
{ #2 preg_replace_callback() ⇐ class_cmsbasic.php #585 ⇐ @ }
{ #3 aoCmsBasic->parse_page() ⇐ index.php #122 ⇐ @ }

Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #621.  
Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #622.  
Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #623.  
The Matrix of Abstract Orientation | At·Matrix Abstract Orientation
 ·  Created: 2015-03-06  ·  Type: Overview  ·  Status: First Draft  · 

The Matrix of Abstract Orientation

What is the matrix? In a systemic context, it stands for the functional mapping of the entire interconnected whole with its inherent objects and relations. The matrix serves as a synergetic framework for complete and comprehensive insight into – and harmonic transformation of – the complex system of shared reality in its diverse aspects. The following is an assortment of methods and reflections for taming the complexity of the matrix.

Abstraction – Foundations of Generality

In the section on Abstraction, we examine at the foundations of abstraction – or the process of extracting the functional generality from the mass of particularity – aiming for such insight that first of all understands the essential nature and dynamics of a matrix object, and that further makes this essence generally relational and applicable across a wide spectrum of contexts – beyond the source domain where the object was identified.

Balance – A Golden Ruler of Measurement

The section on Balance looks at vectors for identifying and supporting a systemic configuration that creates a stable and sustainable totality, where the essential needs and ethical imperatives of every system constituent – sentient, insentient and abstract alike! – are upheld in a way that both sustains present attainment and is generative of future evolution via recognition and encouragement of the latent wholesome potentials.

Objects – Recognizing the Phenomena

The section on Objects identifies the essential types of constituents of the matrix. An object is any given thing, whether abstract or concrete, that can be distinctly identified and charted as a set of characteristic properties and functionality. It's not for an absolute assertion of a whole as nothing but an assemblage of its parts – but rather the design of a functional reflection that acts in representing the concerns of the object in its actuality.

Patterns – Understanding the Recurrences

The section on Patterns explores the identification of recurrences in a system's matrix of identified objects, and further, the deployment of such recurrences as solutions – or precautions – in optimizing the processes and outcomes of the system. We will also be looking at different elementary types of patterns and the common modalities of pattern description.

Relationality – Dimensions of Interaction

In the section on Relationality, the objects of the matrix come together and interact over several basic types of relational vectors – via derivable base ontologies, categorical taxonomy trees and well-rounded metadata. There's a great deal of latent power in the inherent relationality of all types of objects that deserves to be harnessed for increased synergy and reconciliation – via meticulous mapping of both primary and accessory relational properties.

Variables – Identifying the Constituents

In the section on Variables, the microscope is aimed at the basic types of properties any given object in the matrix may have. Such properties can be utilized as reference metadata on a more surface level, and importantly, they serve as fundamental particles in the programmatic aspect of operating with relational matrix objects. It's not that we're up against mapping every atom in existence. All we need are the atoms that are consequential enough...