Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #585.  
Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #621.  
Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #622.  
Deprecated: Use of "self" in callables is deprecated in /base/class_cmsbasic.php at #623.  
{ #1 error_logger() ⇐ - ⇐ @ }
{ #2 preg_replace_callback() ⇐ class_cmsbasic.php #623 ⇐ @ }
{ #3 aoCmsBasic->parse_page() ⇐ index.php #122 ⇐ @ }

Analysis of Systemic Phenomena | At·Matrix Abstract Orientation
 ·  Created: 2015-03-06  ·  Type: Overview  ·  Status: First Draft  · 

Analysis of Systemic Phenomena

Analyzing systemic phenomena can proceed from a multitude of angles with as many models of analysis. What we explore here is the general ground of being and doing – in other words, principles and analytical tools that can be adopted and applied regardless of the context, yielding a range of benefits and insights for any particular approach to systems analysis.

Analytic Depth – Zooming Perspectives

In the section on Analytic Depth, we look into the nature and applications of three basic tiers of analysis – namely the big picture of the macro-dimension focused on the major facets of a system, the micro-dimension that iterates in detail the underlying constituents, and the meso-dimension that seeks to bridge and mediate the two, resolving problems emergent in their mutual disconnect, remediable via the reconciliation of paradigms and particles.

Formal Language – Lossless Expression

The section on Formal Language explores several complementary modes of formal or regulated expression of systemic phenomena, each with their benefits and drawbacks. Whether patterns, objects, processes or models, the analytic process applied thereto must deploy unambiguous expressions that can be uniformly used, shared and archived – and losslessly rendered into diverse modes of expression for cross-domain application.

Hermeneutic Bases – Interpreting Actuality

The section on Hermeneutic Bases probes into the world of interpretation, glossing several important facets of the exegesis of phenomena that ensure both the integrity and the precision of interpretive models, alleviating the vagueness and unprovability that is commonly associated with attempts to approximate and further describe the apparent and the oscillating.

Pattern Validation – Evaluating the Encoded

In the section on Pattern Validation, attention is given to the primary facets of evaluation and verification that should be applied in determining the validity and usefulness of an identified pattern. These concerns relate both to the nature and the quality of the pattern's information itself, as well as the pattern's potentials of application outside the analyst's laboratory.